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Flavas (c) Hablar

Le restaurant trois étoiles Boury développe sa propre bière en coopération avec la brasserie Kazematten

Three-star restaurant Boury (Roeselare) joins forces with Kazematten for their own beer 'Flavas'. Managers Tim, Inge and Ben have been releasing refined drinks under the 'Boury Bottled' label for several years, all of which have a spicy and fruity touch. 

The Roeselare connection

Roeselare inhabitant Rudi Ghequire was the master brewer and director of Brewery Rodenbach in Roeselare for decades. He has retired from Rodenbach since April 2024, which gives him more time to concentrate on his brainchild Brouwerij Kazematten, of which is co-owner and helped set up 10 years ago. The beers of Kazematten are brewed in Ypres and bottled by St.Bernardus in Watou.
In their search for a partner for the development of their own beer, Tim and his team quite logically teamed up with Rudi, who has more than 40 years of experience in the development of beer recipes.

Character, taste and aromas

Flavas is a top-fermented, blond spicy beer (6%), brewed with Belgian pilsner malt and exclusively regional aromatic hops, inspired by 3-star Michelin chef Tim Boury. Thanks to the specific yeast and finishing with herbs such as lemon verbena, lovage and Boury Yakumi liqueur, Flavas is without a doubt a very unique gastronomic beer.

Rudi Ghequire: “Flavas has a distinctly spicy character that you would not immediately expect in a beer. It goes back to the early medieval origins of beer, when numerous herbs were used to provide beer with gastronomic and health properties. We chose a Belgian pilsner malt of the highest quality and a brewing water that can be compared to that of the city of Pilsen in the Czech Republic. We only worked with regional aromatic hop varieties. The brew was fermented with a special beer yeast, known for its exotic taste sensations such as lychees and tropical fruit. Flavas was additionally flavoured with a mixture of lemon verbena, lovage and Boury Yakumi liqueur. It is absolutely a special beer with a unique taste sensation, intended for both body and mind, a total experience that certainly deserves a place in gastronomy. Flavas aligns perfectly with the saying ‘more than just a beer!”

Hannes Malfait (sales and export manager Europe for both Kazematten and St.Bernardus): “We are absolutely delighted to be able to cooperate with an international culinary powerhouse like Boury. This collaboration feels like a great recognition for the craftsmanship that we maintain day in, day out.”

Tim Boury: "Pairing food with beer is an art, and with our Flavas beer, the canvas is vibrant with fresh, herbal notes that dance harmoniously with a variety of dishes. From succulent seafood to zesty salads and hearty grilled vegetables, Flavas beer elevates the dining experience, creating a symphony of flavor on the palate."

Ben Boury: "As part of socially responsible entrepreneurship, Boury focuses on maximizing the use of local knowledge and expertise abundant in our region. This is one of the reasons for collaborating with the Kazematten brewery in Ypres and St.Bernardus brewery in Watou. Not only are they located in our birth region, but they also share our philosophy: translating knowledge and experience into exceptional products."